Showing posts with label Ribs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ribs. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015

How To Make A BBQ Rib Sandwich

A Video Is Worth A Thousand Words

About Potato Chip Sandwich

According to some people, men can't tell time, can't follow directions and can't cook. That's simply not true. The owner and author of the site, me..  can cook. This site is simply a way for me to keep up with my recipes without putting it into my other 10 or so blogs. Everything is Google-ized, so it's connected to all my other stuff. This site gets it's name from road trips when I was in my 20's. By the time we would head home all we could afford was a loaf of bread and some potato chips.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Perfect Ribs From The Oven (still 12 hours)

I Love Smoked Ribs

Ok. So I gave my smoker away too soon. My son moved out and I thought it would be a good thing for him to have.

My Best Friends Smoker

 A smoker back in the day was a social tool. If you were good at it, people talked about it. It was viral in it's on way. Even though the 'views' were different, they were still there.  Word would get out that you were going to be cooking something on the grill, and somehow people would wind up at your place. So the smoker was as powerful as an X Box 360, or whatever the newest digital hotbox happens to be.

But I Don't Care About Games

What I care about is cooking good food. I care about cooking food that doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out how to make it. Something guys can make. When I no longer had my smoker, I had to figure out how to make them in the oven. Ribbs  can lead to better things. Sometimes ribs are the second best thing you'll have all day.   Spend some time on them and don't rush it. Just like the numero uno thing for the day... you'll both be glad you did.  So keep  reading for the best ribs you can make in an oven.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

World's Best BBQ Ribs Recipe

I Make Damn Good Ribs

Anybody that knows me, knows that I love ribs. I get compliments on them all the time, so I figured this would be the best way to share the recipes and tell you how I prefer to cook them. The steps are numbered… with some other stuff in between.

  1. It Might Be A Long Recipe

But it will be worth it. Just do yourself a favor, and don't cut corners. You'll be glad you did at the end. I would suggest that you cook one rack of ribs more than you think you'll need. The reason for that is that it will give you something to snack on every time you turn them.  Somewhere around hour 8 these ribs will become world class. You could serve them at that time with no complaints. But if you continue to munch on the extra rack, and finish the whole'll go kiss yourself when they are done So here's how you do it